Dr. Mahendran Rajendran


Test Paper- QMS- EA-12 Secondary Chemical Mfr

0 Lessons

1 hour 30 minutes 0 Enrolled


  1. This examination paper consists of two sections. Attempt all sections and all questions.
  1. Section 1 of the paper consist of multiple-choice type questions and separated to Area A to G. There are twenty questions and worth 1 mark each.
  2. Section 2 of the paper consist of subjective type questions. There are 5 questions and worth 5 marks each.
  1. 45 marks are available. To pass, you must achieve at least 32 marks (70%), and you must achieve at least 50% in each of the two sections. The maximum marks for each question are shown in brackets.
  2. Time to complete the test paper is 1.5 hours.


Active verb meaning

Describe – Depict in words

Explain – Give a clear account of

Outline – Give the most important feature

List – Provide a list without explanation (bullet point)

What Will I Learn?

  • If you pass this Exam, you will get approval of all applicable NACE code under group of EA-12 Secondary chemical manufacturer
About Instructor
Dr. Mahendran Rajendran

Deputy Scheme manager for ISO-FSMS


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